Motivational Quote . . .

{ Friday, May 28, 2010 }
Challenges come so we can grow and be prepared for things we are not equipped to handle now. When we face our challenges with faith, prepared to learn, willing to make changes, and if necessary, to let go, we are demanding our power be turned on. ~Iyanla Vanzant

Motivational . . . Leave Room for God!

{ Thursday, May 27, 2010 }
Leave Room for God

"When it pleased God" (Galatians 1:15).

As servants of God, we must learn to make room for Him -  to give God "elbow room."  We plan and figure and predict that this or that will happen, but we forget to make room for God to come in as He chooses. Would we be surprised if God came into our meeting or into our preaching in a way we had never expected Him to come? Do not look for
God to come in a particular way, but do look for Him. The way to make room for Him is to expect Him to come, but not in a certain way. No matter how well we may know God, the great lesson to learn is that He may break in at any minute. We tend to overlook this element of surprise, yet God never works in any other way. Suddenly ”God meets our
life” - when it pleased God . . .

Keep your life so constantly in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point. Live in a constant state of expectancy, and leave room for God to come in as He decides.

"Renewing your mind is retraining your subconscious to make automatic decisions based on the Word of God." - Dr. I.V. Hilliard

Motivational . . . Protected

{ Sunday, May 23, 2010 }
Trusting in the presence of God, I give thanks that all is well.
As I enter the refuge of prayer, I close the door to any thoughts other than ones that assure me of God's loving, protecting presence. I am open only to thoughts that increase my comprehension of God's presence and the understanding that God will see me through any of life's challenges.

My life is enriched by the peace of mind I experience as I immerse my thoughts in God's presence. I affirm: Trusting in the presence of God, I give thanks that all is well.
If a circumstance appears to be contrary to what supports my well-being at any time during the day or night, I respond from the spirit of God within me. I do so knowing that God is guiding me in ways of peace and safety.
"Our soul waits for the Lord;
he is our help and shield.
Our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name."
--Psalm 33:20-21

Motivational Quote . . .

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It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e e cummings

The Loss of a Legend: Lena Horne

{ Tuesday, May 11, 2010 }

The incomparable Lena Horne has made her transition age the young age of 92. She leaves a example for today's up and coming stars to follow. How to always be a lady - be respected - love your people and demand respect for your people.

Just starting . . .

{ Sunday, May 9, 2010 }
Today I my first day as an official Blogger! It is also, mother's day 2010. More importantly, it is my first mother's day without my mom. I am a happy mommy, because of my son. However, today, I am a sad daughter . . . I miss my mother more than words can convey.

OK, now . . . about this blog. First I call it "Havin' Church" because for me, the concept of havin' church is a positive thing. It's about growth, change and of course, praising God.

I welcome you on this journey with me . . . let's go, have church :-)
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