Motivational . . .Divine Delay

{ Tuesday, July 13, 2010 }
"You may be experiencing a divine delay --- waiting on a job, a business sale, escrow to close on your new home, a contract, completing college, love and happiness, health restored, weight loss, a new relationship, family drama to cease or waiting for your heart to heal from depression, loss and grief.

Do you feel like you have been in "God's waiting room" too long?  Don't give up.  Your name is about to be called.  You're next in line for a breakthrough.  In the meantime, live each day with patience, prayer, perseverance, hope, humility, love and gratitude trusting God.  Your name is about to be called!   Impatience, fear and frustration will cause you to give up.  A defeated mind surely guarantees you to miss your opportunity and blessings. ~ by Jewel Diamond Taylor

Be Motivated . . .

{ Monday, July 12, 2010 }
" . . . we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ
. . ." - II Corinthians 10:5 (NASB)

If you're trying to overcome a particular habit, learn to recognize
your "triggers".  Become aware of what's going on around you and
within you when you're tempted.  Every action begins as a thought.

Before you surrender in reality, you first surrender in your mind.
That's why Paul says we should be found "taking every thought captive
to the obedience of Christ."  If you struggle with alcohol, eating in
or near a bar probably isn't going to help you win that fight.  If you
struggle with pornography, lingering around newsstands or bringing it
into your home via the Internet means you're going to continue to have
that issue.  If living habit-free is a serious commitment, plan your
life around that commitment!

As long as you entertain the idea that you can break the habit in your
own strength, nothing will change.  If you could, you'd have done it by
now, right?  Furthermore, as long as you're operating in willpower
alone, you won't experience God's power.  It takes humility to
acknowledge defeat then turn to God.  But unless you do, you'll get
nowhere.  Jesus said, "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless
it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.  I
am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him,
he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John
15:4-5)  You must come to the place where you make a conscious
decision each day, and sometimes each hour, to turn your life and will
completely over to God.

When you're in the throes of battle, here's a prayer to consider:
"Lord, I don't have the ability to overcome this, but I choose not to
give in. Strengthen me now by Your Holy Spirit."  That's the kind of
prayer God will answer!  Why?  Because as our Heavenly Father, He loves
to empower our choices when they line up with His will!
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